Fiery Command WorkStation

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View and edit a control bar

You can view the definition of a control bar and edit the settings, except for System Page Size (which is only in Fiery system software FS100/100Pro or earlier).

  1. In Device Center, click the Color Setup tab and click Control Bar.
  2. Select the control bar in the list on the left side and view the definition on the right side of the window.
  3. To change settings, click Edit and define the values for each option.

    For Fiery system software FS100/100Pro or earlier:

    • Description - A one-line description of the control bar for your future reference.

    • Color Bar EPS File - The EPS file contains a color bar and any logo or static information that you want to include on the page. The default is Standard. Select Custom to select a user-designed EPS file from your computer, or select None to indicate that no EPS file is required.

    • Job Information - The job settings that you select are printed with the color bar. The print options vary depending on your model of Fiery Server.

    • Text Location - This list allows you to select the location in which you want the job information printed on the page. The text is oriented to be read along the specified page edge.

    • Distance from the edge - These options allow you to define the distance from the lower-left corner at which you want the job information to begin printing.

    For Fiery system software FS200/200Pro or later:

    • Control bar name - The name used to select the control bar.

      Note: In the printer driver, this name appears only if Two-Way Communication is enabled.
    • Color bar - Lets you turn the display of the color bar on or off, select one of several factory-supplied images or import your custom image (EPS or PDF format), and specify the placement of the image.

      Note: For an image in PDF format, only the first page is used.
    • Job information - Lets you turn the display of the job information on or off, select the job settings to display, and specify the appearance and placement of the text.

      Note: The available job settings depend on the model of Fiery Server.
    • Page settings - Lets you select the preview page size, specify margins (the color bar and job information are placed inside these margins), and select mirror image (for transparent media).

  4. Click OK to save your edits.
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