The Navigator pane controls what appears in the image preview. The area of
the image preview can be enlarged to fit the screen.
The bounding box in the Navigator pane contains
the part of the image that is visible in the image preview. If the bounding box is hard to see,
change its color in Preferences.
- To reposition the part of the image that shows in the
preview, do one of the following:
Drag the bounding box in the Navigator pane.
Drag the image.
To center the preview on a specific location in the image,
hold down the Shift key and click that location.
- To rotate the image, do one of the
- To rotate 90° clockwise, click the Rotate
- To rotate 90°, 180°, or 270° clockwise, or to
reset the preview to the original orientation, click and click the appropriate selection.
The rotation applies only to the preview, not the printed job.
To enlarge the area of the image preview, click .
The thumbnails and the viewer controls are hidden and can be made to appear by moving the cursor
to the left and right sides of the screen, respectively.
To return to the normal display, press the Esc key.