Fiery Command WorkStation

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Page alignment

Page alignment does not alter the page layout defined in your original document. Page alignment shifts the entire page content, which is the printable area (the space assigned to the text and images) plus margins (the white or blank space surrounding the printable area).

Booklet Maker has three options to position and fine-tune the placement of page content:

  • Align pages - Use this option to align page content with the spine or to center on the page.

  • Increase gutters by - Adds extra space (gutters) to allow for binding.

  • Compensate creep - Use this option to counteract the shift in page content that occurs in Saddle and Nested Saddle booklets.

Note: The page alignment options do not change the scale factor. When you set the Shrink to fit option to Off, clipping occurs if the document extends beyond the edge of the paper. If clipping is not your intent, you can use the Align pages and Gutter options to adjust the position of page content.
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