Fiery Command WorkStation

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Page size and control bars (FS100/100Pro or earlier)

For Fiery system software FS100/100Pro or earlier, the factory-supplied control bar fits the Fiery Server default paper size, Letter/A4, or larger. Many jobs print satisfactorily with the factory-supplied control bar. If needed, you can create control bars for other page sizes.

Note: For Fiery system software FS200/200Pro or later, a control bar can be printed on any page size and it is not necessary to specify the System Page Size for a control bar. System Page Size applies to FS100/100Pro or earlier only.

Every page produced by the Fiery Server has a System Page Size. These two numbers represent the width and height of the page, in points, as processed by the system. No two control bars can use the same System Page Size values. If you try to save a custom control bar that has the same the System Page Size as an existing control bar, a warning message is displayed.

To determine the System Page Size for a particular paper size, print a job with the factory-supplied control bar on the targeted paper size and orientation. The System Page Size is printed in the control bar.

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