Output profile
The Output profile print option specifies the output profile used to process a job. Color data in a print job is converted to the color space of the printer, which is described by the output profile.
In addition, the calibration that is associated with the output profile is applied to the job before printing.
The Fiery server includes one or more default output profiles, each created for a specific media type. You can also import your own output profiles to the Fiery server.
Use job defined settings
Rather than select a specific output profile for your job, you can let the Fiery server determine the output profile automatically. The color mode and media type used in the print job determine the profile, or if the job uses media from Substrate Catalog, the output profile specified in Substrate Catalog is used. For more information on default output profiles, see Setting a default color output profile and How does the Fiery server decide which output profile to use?.
Device link profiles
If a CMYK-to-CMYK or RGB-to-CMYK device link profile is available for the specified output profile and source profile, Device link profile selected is displayed below the Output profile drop-down list box. When a device link profile has been selected, the specific device link profile name is displayed below the Source profile drop-down list box. The other source settings in the area are disabled as they are not applicable in the device link profile workflow.
In this case, the selected output profile is not used for color management, since the device link profile is used.