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Variable field properties

List of the various variable field properties that can be used when editing a variable data document design


Click Undock Properties () to float the variable properties as a window.

Click Dock Properties () to dock the variable properties as a pane on the right side of the screen.

Table 1. Variable field properties
Variable type Available properties Control Function
Text Field/Custom Text/Data Objects Variable Fields that do not contain data will be collapsed when stacked in a single text box. Display the variables included in a text box
File Name N/A Display the FreeForm Plus document file name.
Page Number N/A Display the record page number.
Date Format
  • dddd, DD MMMM YYYY
  • dddd MMMM Do YYYY
Display the date at print time.

Select the format used to display the date.

Time Format
  • HH:mm
  • HH:mm:ss
  • h:mma
  • hh:mm:ssa
  • h:mm A
  • h:mm:ss A
Display the time when printed.

Select the format used to display the time.

Record ID N/A Display the FreeForm Plus record number.
Numbering Sequence Start

Generate a number sequence on each record with the specified starting number and step increment.

Note: A negative step increment will cause the numbering sequence to count in descending order from the starting number.

Specify a minimum number of digits for the numbers in the numbering sequence. Numbers with fewer digits than specified will be padded with additional preceding zeroes to meet the specified minimum length.

Numeric length

Specify a prefix string of text to precede the numbering sequence.


Specify a suffix string of text to follow the numbering sequence.

  • X axis
  • Y axis
Change the position of a selected variable text field box on a master page.
  • Width
  • Height
Control the size of the variable text field box.
Font Font Choose from a font available on your system.
Choose font weight Change the weight of the font used in the selected variable text field box.
Used in Master Review the fonts used in the master file.
Font size Select the font size.
Font color Select the font color.
Note: Color can be selected by CMYK, HSL, Hex, RGB, using the color palette tool, or by adding a custom spot color.

Import custom spot colors in Adobe Swatch Exchange (.ase) format by clicking the import icon in the Spot Color tab of the color selection window.

Save colors as Preset colors by choosing a color and clicking Add color.

Alignment Align left Align the text to left side of the variable text field box.
Center Center the text in the variable text field box.
Align right Align the text to right side of the variable text field box.
Angle Text box angle Set the angle of the variable text field box by degree.
  • Fill check box
  • Fill color
Select the Fill check box to turn on fill behind the highlighted text variable.
Click on the Fill color to change the background color in a variable text field box.
Note: Color can be selected by CMYK, HSL, Hex, RGB, using the color palette tool, or by adding a custom spot color.

Import custom spot colors in Adobe Swatch Exchange (.ase) format by clicking the import icon in the Spot Color tab of the color selection window.

Save colors as Preset colors by choosing a color and clicking Add color.

Line height Text box line height Control the line height of the text box.
Images Position
  • X axis
  • Y axis
Position the selected variable image on a master page determined by the location on the X and Y axes.
  • Width
  • Height
Control the size of the variable image.
Fit Proportional Use the original proportions of an image variable.
Stretch Stretch an image variable to fit the size you specify.
Note: This setting may distort images.
Reset Resets an image to the settings imported from the data source file.
Angle Image angle Set the angle of the image by degree.
PDF Objects Position
  • X axis
  • Y axis
Position the selected PDF object on a master page determined by the location on the X and Y axes.
  • Width
  • Height
Control the size of the PDF object.
Barcodes Variable N/A Displays the barcode variable name.
  • X axis
  • Y axis
Change the position of a selected barcode variable on a master page.
  • Width
  • Height
Control the size of a barcode variable.
Note: This property is not available for all barcode types.
Type Choose from the available barcode types. Set the barcode type to match a barcode variable contained in your data source file.
Bar Text N/A Displays the text displayed with the barcode.
  • X axis
  • Y axis
Change the scale of a barcode variable on the X and Y axis.