Insert and edit tabs in Fiery JobMaster
If tab printing is supported by the Fiery Server, you can insert tabs and specify text and media settings for them. In the Tab Media window you can save media settings as a preset. You can define custom tabs and those settings are included in the preset.
You can specify two tab styles in a single document. This allows you to identify chapters and sub-chapters in long documents. See Add multiple tab styles to a document.
The Tab Media window displays an image of the tab ear with measurements. When you change the number of tabs in a set, the measurements shown in the displayed tab change. You can specify up to 50 tabs in a set.
To convert a normal page to a tabbed page, select the page’s Convert to tab option.
Note: The Convert to tab option in earlier versions of
Fiery Compose has been removed. To convert an existing page in the
document, or an inserted page, to a tab in Fiery Compose, right-click
and select Assign Media, then select a tab media from the list.