Fiery JobMaster-Fiery Impose-Fiery Compose

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Manage jobs in Fiery Compose

Fiery Compose provides tools for saving, deleting, and printing a job.

Save a job in Fiery Compose

If you make changes to a job in Fiery Compose, you must save it before you print it.

  1. Click File > Save.
  2. Choose one of the following options:
    • Save as a regular job - Saves to the Fiery Server.

    • Save as PDF file - Saves to a local disk.

Delete a job that is open in Fiery Compose

To delete a job that is open in Fiery Compose, return to the Command WorkStation interface.

  1. Close the job in Fiery Compose.
  2. Delete the job from Command WorkStation.

    For more information, see Command WorkStation Help.

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