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Open a job in Fiery JobMaster

When you have activated your license, you can start to use Fiery JobMaster. Open a PostScript or Adobe PDF file from Command WorkStation. The job must be in a spooled/held state.

If you select a processed/held job, and choose Actions > Preview, the job opens in the Raster Preview window. To edit a processed job in Fiery JobMaster, you must first remove the raster from the job. Select the job in the Held list and choose Actions > Remove Raster.

  1. Select a spooled/held job in the Held list of Command WorkStation.
  2. Choose Actions > JobMaster.
  3. Option-click (Mac OS) or Alt-click (Windows) a page in the Sheet View pane to select the same page in the Page View pane.

You can now acquire scans, edit them, and place them in your job; edit pages and add page numbering; and insert tabs and edit the tabs and the tab text.

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