Fiery JobFlow Help v2.1

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Manage Enfocus Monotype Baseline Service and SMTP settings, and set up a schedule for automatic deletion of jobs.

  • Monotype Baseline Service: Enfocus provides a missing font service for PitStop users. If Fiery JobFlow users have signed up for Monotype Baseline Service, then the service automatically searches for the missing font and sends it to Fiery JobFlow to be integrated into the PDF. Fiery JobFlow provides links to create and manage an account. When you sign up, you receive an authentication key. By default, the Enable Monotype Baseline Service check box is not selected. To enable the service, select the check box.

  • SMTP: Set up the outgoing SMTP server for email notifications. If a user wants to send notifications by their own email server, then it is set up here. Otherwise notifications are sent by the EFI Notification Service.

  • Proxy settings: Set up and enable a proxy server to communicate transparently across a firewall.
  • Delete jobs: If required, set up a schedule for automatic deletion of jobs every 1, 3, 5, 15, 30, or 60 days.

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