Fiery JobFlow Help v2.1

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Input Sources

Fiery JobFlow offers a number of input sources to a workflow.

You can import files from a number of locations: SMB, FTP or sFTP, a Dropbox account, or a SmartFolder that has been set up on the Fiery JobFlow server. You can also use a drag-and-drop operation to submit a single job, multiple files, or an archive (a .zip file) from your computer desktop onto the workflow name in the browser window. The input source is shown in the workflow as a SmartFolder. Note that if you submit an archive or a folder containing a number of jobs, the jobs are merged in Fiery JobFlow. Jobs will be merged in the alphabetical order of the file/job names.

Jobs can be submitted in an archived file to all input sources. Jobs can be submitted in a folder to all input sources except Dropbox.

SMB, FTP or sFTP, or Dropbox locations must be set up by the Fiery JobFlow administrator, and multiple instances for each type of location can be set up in Admin > Account Settings > Locations.

SmartFolder is a folder which acts as an input queue for job submission to a specific workflow. There is one-to-one mapping between the workflow and the SmartFolder. Each SmartFolder will be created under a root folder called “SmartFolders”, which is automatically set up during installation of Fiery JobFlow.

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