Fiery JobFlow Help v2.1

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Activation of Fiery JobFlow license

The full version of Fiery JobFlow requires a license and EFI Passport registration.

EFI Passport is a new free account system for EFI customers to access multiple EFI products and services. To sign up, go to and register. After registering, you will receive an email with an activation link. You must activate your EFI Passport account before you can use it.

If you do not have an EFI Passport account, you will be prompted to register when you start the process of upgrading from Fiery JobFlow Base to Fiery JobFlow.

The steps in the process are:
  1. Install the free Fiery JobFlow Base.
  2. Register for an EFI Passport account.
  3. Purchase a license key for Fiery JobFlow.
  4. Log in to Fiery JobFlow Base and click Upgrade Now.
  5. Follow the steps in the wizard.
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