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Measure with FD-5BT

You can measure color patches on a page using the Konica Minolta FD-5BT spectrodensitometer.

  • Connect the FD-5BT to your computer and turn on the FD-5BT.
  • To learn about the FD-5BT, see the documentation that accompanies the instrument.

When you select the FD-5BT as your measurement method, you can set the instrument settings.

Measurement mode - Select the type of measurement that you want. You measure each strip in one pass or in two passes.

  • M0 - Standard illumination (incandescent), no UV filter
  • M1 - Supplemented illumination (D50), no UV filter
  • M2 - Standard illumination (incandescent), UV filter (or UV cut)
Note: M0, M1, and M2 are standard measurement conditions described in ISO 13655.

You can set the patch size to one of the available sizes: Normal (Default), Medium, and Large. The measurement method is the same for all patches regardless of patch size.

When a page has been successfully measured, you can check the measurements. If any measurements are not as expected, you can remeasure the strip.

  1. Place the patch page on a smooth, even surface.

    For more accurate measurement, place several sheets of plain white paper beneath the page.

  2. Place the strip guide over the first row and position the FD-5BT on the strip guide.

    For help with placing the instrument, click Show me how.

    Note: You can switch from scan measurements to scan to spot measurements, and back to scan measurements as a per row decision for both a chart and a wedge.
  3. When the screen indicates that the FD-5BT is measuring, place the tip of the sample aperture on the instrument over the white space at either end of the strip specified on the screen.
  4. Hold down the button on the side of the FD-5BT and slide the instrument along the strip of patches slowly and at an even pace.
  5. Release the button when the FD-5BT reaches the white space at the end.
  6. After you successfully measure one strip of patches, move the strip guide and the FD-5BT to the next strip specified on the screen.
  7. Continue to measure the remaining strips in the same manner until you have measured all patches on the page.
  8. Continue to measure the remaining patch pages (if any) in the same manner until you have measured all patch pages.
  9. After you measure the last page, click Next.