Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery Impose Plus v1.0

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Specify settings to create a finisher preset

You must specify settings in the Finisher Preset dialog box to create a preset. For more information, see Specifying settings in the Finisher Preset dialog box.
  1. Select a spooled job in the Held list in Command WorkStation and open Fiery Impose Plus in one of the following ways:
    • Select Impose Plus from the Actions menu.
    • Right-click the job and select Impose Plus.
  2. In the Settings pane, click the Finisher Preset button to open the Finisher Preset dialog box.
  3. Click View available modules to display the number of modules specified for CPM, PFM, and RTM. The Finisher model displays the name of the finisher that you have specified in Edit > Preferences > Finishers > Select device. For more information, see Set finisher preferences.
  4. To create a preset, do one of the following:
    • Select New preset from the Finisher preset list.
    • Click Create new using to create a new preset from an existing preset.
    Note the following:
    • Creating a finisher preset is currently supported with the Duplo DC-618 finisher.
    • You can choose existing presets from the Finisher preset list. For more information, see Apply an existing preset.
  5. In Job/barcode number, specify the number that corresponds to barcodes that can be displayed on the sheet.
    Note: Barcodes are device dependent.
    You can view the barcode range in the status bar at the bottom. When you create a new preset, the next sequential number is automatically assigned to the preset.
  6. In Perforation setup, specify the number of horizontal perforation modules in the list on the left and the number of vertical perforation modules in the list on the right. Due to the number of slots available on the finisher, if you specify the horizontal perforation as 1, you can select only 1 as the vertical perforation module. However, if the job does not require horizontal perforation, select 0 in the horizontal perforation list and you can use up to 2 vertical perforation modules. Select 0 in both horizontal and vertical perforation lists if the job does not require perforations.
    Note: For vertical perforation, the maximum number of modules available for use is determined by the values that you specify for PFM and RTM in Fiery Impose Plus > Edit > Preferences > Finishers. For more information on PFM and RTM, see Set finisher preferences.