Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery JobMaster-Fiery Impose-Fiery Compose

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About user preferences

To select user preferences, select Edit > Preferences.

Under General, do any of the following:

  • Select the default settings for PS to PDF conversion.
  • Allow multitasking with Fiery Command WorkStation.
Under Impose, do any of the following:
  • Select the default finish size for imposed jobs.
  • Select the default scale values for imposed jobs.
  • Specify the imposition template path.
Under JobMaster, do any of the following:
  • Specify whether to add chapter starts to files dropped into Page View
  • Specify whether to check PDF documents for scanned content
  • Specify whether to show the scanned content message
  • Specify the default application used to edit images in Fiery JobMaster

Under Finishers, do any of the following:

  • Select the Allow finisher integration check box to enable the finisher integration workflow using which you can apply, create, and publish finisher presets.
    When you select Allow finisher integration, the following are enabled:
    • Apply Finisher Preset option in the Actions menu.
    • Finisher Preset button in the Settings pane.

    Note the following:

    • If a finisher is not used, you can clear this check box.
    • Allow finisher integration does not apply to finishing devices that support only setting a registration mark and barcode.
  • Select device - Select the finishing device from the list.

    Depending on the finishing device that is selected, you can perform one or a combination of the following tasks:

    Note: Tasks are device-dependent, and you can perform these tasks only if supported by the selected finishing device.

    After specifying settings in the Finishers tab, restart the application to apply the changes.

    If you have selected a finisher, specify the following additional settings:

    • PC controller path - The path to the installation folder on the Duplo Controller computer. Click Test to test the connection between the Fiery server and the computer with the Duplo PC Controller software.
    • In the Available finisher module section, you can select any of the following, depending on your finisher:
      Finisher module Description Supported finisher

      The Cross Perforation Module (CPM) is an optional module installed on the finisher to support horizontal or cross perforation and horizontal scoring. Perforation is performed parallel to the feeding edge. If the job requires horizontal perforation, a minimum of one CPM module must be available for use on the finisher. To perform horizontal perforation, you must select the number of modules available on the finisher.

      • Duplo DC-618

      The Cross Tool Module (CPM) is an optional module installed on the finisher to support horizontal or cross perforation. Perforation is performed parallel to the feeding edge. If the job requires horizontal perforation, a minimum of one CPM module must be available for use on the finisher. To perform horizontal perforation, you must select the number of modules available on the finisher.

      • Duplo DC-648

      The Creaser Up Module (CRM) allows crease up (mountain), in addition to standard crease down (valley), horizontally across the sheet.

      • Duplo DC-648

      The Optional Slitter Module (OSM) provides up to 8 slits per sheet in combination with standard slitter modules.

      • Duplo DC-648

      In the PFM (Perforation Module - Vertical) module, perforation is performed in the direction that is perpendicular to the feeding edge. If the job requires vertical perforation, a minimum of one PFM module must be available for use on the finisher.

      To perform vertical perforation, you must select the number of modules available on the finisher.

      • Duplo DC-618

      RTM or the Rotary Tool Module is an advanced vertical perforation unit that can perform two perforations at a time on the right and the left side of the printed output. A maximum of two RTMs can be installed on one finisher.

      • Duplo DC-618
      • Duplo DC-648
    • Barcode range - The minimum and maximum barcode range.

Under Cache, do any of the following:

  • Select Enable caching to allow Command WorkStation to store information locally.
  • Specify the cache path.