Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery JobMaster-Fiery Impose-Fiery Compose

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Set registration marks and barcode in Fiery Impose

Your imposed layout can include a registration mark, a barcode, or both. These options allow automatic drift compensation and machine setup for the Duplo offline finisher.

The registration mark position determines the leading edge of the sheet, as the Duplo finisher requires the mark to be on the right of the leading edge of the upper surface of the sheet.

  1. In Windows, select Fiery Impose > Edit > Preferences > Finishers. On macOS, preferences are in the Fiery Command WorkStation menu in the Fiery Impose or Fiery JobMaster window.
  2. In the Finishers tab, click one of the following in the Select device field:
    • Duplo DC-646 (2-digit barcode)

    • Duplo DC-646 (3-digit barcode)

    • Custom

    • [User-installed device profile name]

  3. In the Fiery Impose Settings pane, select Define in the Marks list. The Marks window opens.
  4. In the Marks window, click the Registration Mark and Barcode tab.
  5. Click one of the following in the Print field:
    • Do not print, which is the default

    • Registration mark only

    • Barcode only

    • Registration Mark and Barcode

    The options in this dropdown are displayed or hidden based on the device capabilities.
  6. If you set Registration mark only, set the following:
    • Position - location of the registration mark on the sheet.

    • Mark length and Mark width - possible length is from 5 to 10 mm. The possible width is from 0.4 to 1.6 mm.

    • Mark Offset - vertical and horizontal offset for the mark position. The default for both feed edge and right edge is 5 mm. The possible range is 3 to 15 mm for each.

    • Layout Offset - amount to move the layout away from the feed edge of the sheet to accommodate the registration mark and barcode. The possible range is 0 to 30 mm.

  7. If you set Barcode only, set the following:
    • Position - barcode location on the sheet.

    • The Barcode Text and Barcode Type values vary based on the device selected in Edit > Preferences > Finishers > Select device.

      • If you set Duplo DC-646 (2-digit barcode) in Edit > Preferences > Finishers > Select device, set the following:
        • Barcode Type - default is Code 39
        • Barcode Text - a two-digit number from 01 to 80
      • If you set Duplo DC-646 (3-digit barcode) in Edit > Preferences > Finishers > Select device, set the following:
        • Barcode Type - default is Code 39
        • Barcode Text - a three-digit number up to 250
      • If you set Custom in Edit > Preferences > Finishers > Select device, set the following:
        • Barcode Type - Code 39 or Code 128
        • Barcode Text - supports a combination alphanumeric characters and special characters. The special characters allowed are hyphens, periods, dollar signs, forward slashes, plus sign, percent signs, and spaces.
      • If you select a [user-installed device profile name] in Edit > Preferences > Finishers > Select device, the Barcode Type and Barcode Text values must be set according to the device specification provided by the device manufacturer.
    • Print Text - prints the numerical representation of the barcode on the sheet.

    • Mark Offset - vertical and horizontal offset for the barcode position. The default for feed edge is 5 mm, and the possible range is 3 to 15 mm. The default for right edge is 25 mm, and the possible range is 25 mm to 42 mm.

    • Layout Offset - amount to move the layout away from the feed edge of the sheet to accommodate the registration mark and barcode. The possible range is 0 to 30 mm.

  8. If you specified Registration Mark and Barcode, specify the settings in the Registration pane as described in steps 6 and 7.

    The settings apply for both registration marks and barcodes. In the Barcode pane, specify the text and whether to print the text.

  9. Select Print mark on front surface of sheet only, if required.