Open a job in Fiery Impose, Fiery Compose, or Fiery JobMaster
When you have activated your license, you can start to use Fiery Impose, Fiery Compose, or Fiery JobMaster. Open a PostScript or Adobe PDF file from Command WorkStation. The job must be in a spooled/held state.
Note: When a job is opened in Fiery Impose, Fiery Compose, or Fiery JobMaster, do not open the same job in Job Properties.
To select a single page of a multi-page document, Option-click (macOS) or Alt-click (Windows) a page in the Sheet View pane to select the same page in the Page View pane.
If you have activated Fiery JobMaster, for example, you can now acquire scans, edit them, and place them in your job; edit pages and add page numbering; and insert tabs and edit the tabs and the tab text.