Create a new Hot Folder
When you create a new Hot Folder, you specify job properties and other settings, determined by the connected Fiery Server.
- In the Fiery Hot Folders Console, click New to display the Hot Folders Settings window.
- Type a name for the Hot Folder in the Folder name field.
- Optionally, type a description and details about the Hot Folder in the Description field.
- Click Browse, and then specify the folder location.
- Click Select to specify and connect to the Fiery Server. For instructions, see Connecting to a Fiery Server.
- Choose the Fiery Server queue or action from the Job Action menu.
For more information, see Specify the Job Action for a Hot Folder.
- Set any of these options:
To specify Job Properties (print and imposition settings) for the Hot Folder, choose Define in the Job Properties menu.
To specify Input Formats (filters and application-specific formats), click Edit next to Input Formats.
To enable a Preflight check of jobs submitted to the Hot Folder, select Preflight.
Note: Preflight is not supported for all Fiery Servers.To set a time interval between checking for new jobs, click Advanced Settings, then click Custom and type a new time interval.
If you plan to submit multi-part jobs to the Hot Folder, we recommend that you set this interval to 10 seconds or more. For more information, see Submit multi-part jobs in a folder .