Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery JobMaster-Fiery Impose-Fiery Compose

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Open and view jobs in Fiery Compose

You use the Fiery Compose window to view jobs and make changes. The Fiery Compose window has three panes: Page View, Sheet View, and Settings.

  • Page View - Displays the selected job as single-page thumbnails.

  • Sheet View - Displays the entire job as thumbnails. You can toggle between thumbnail view and wireframe view. (Displaying thumbnails as wireframes speeds up performance.)

    If the job is duplex, Sheet View displays the front and back of each sheet.

  • Settings - Displays controls that affect the printing characteristics and layout on the final printing sheet surface. Which controls appear depend on the product intent.

Open a job in Fiery Compose

You can use Command WorkStation to open a spooled job in Fiery Compose.

Select a spooled job in the Held list of Command WorkStation and open Fiery Compose in one of the following ways:
  • Select Compose from the Actions menu.

    Right-click the job and select Compose.

Set the Sheet View to thumbnails or full pages in Fiery Compose

The Sheet View can switch between thumbnails and full-page view. You can also display thumbnails as wireframes.

Note: When you view a full page, the page size shown is the document bounding box, not the size of the media assigned to the page.
Do any of the following:
  • Clicking the Fit Page icon () at the bottom of the window sets the zoom so that a single surface fits in the view area.

  • To switch the thumbnail view between thumbnails and wireframe views, click the Toggle Sheet Content icon ().

Adjust thumbnail size

The Page View pane lets you set thumbnail size. The Sheet View pane lets you zoom or specify percentage zoom.

Do one of the following:
  • To enlarge or reduce thumbnails in Page View, click View > Enlarge Thumbnails or View > Reduce Thumbnails.

  • To zoom thumbnails in the Sheet View, drag the slider at the bottom of the Sheet View pane.