Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery JobMaster-Fiery Impose-Fiery Compose

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Gangup with top finished edge

Gangup with top finished edge allows you to automatically rotate the individual slots or pages on the back surface of a sheet 180 degrees for top-edge binding of a duplex job.

Gangup with top finished edge (slot rotation) works with the existing layout styles in Fiery Impose. You can set up slot rotation templates which can then be used for Fiery Hot Folders and Virtual Printers.

Gangup with top finished edge is available for the following gangup styles:
  • Repeat
  • Unique-Collate Cut
  • Duplo - Short Edge Feed
  • Duplo - Long Edge Feed

The following table shows the settings required for gangup with top finished edge.

Gangup style Duplex Layout style Slot rotation
Repeat On

Any of the styles:

  • Standard
  • Head to head
  • Foot to foot
  • Reversal
  • Reversal Alternate
Unique-Collate Cut On Yes
Duplo - Short Edge Feed On Yes
Duplo - Long Edge Feed On Yes

Create a gangup job with top finished edge

  1. Import your job into the Held list in Command WorkStation.
  2. Select the job and select Impose from the Actions menu, or the right-click menu.
  3. Select Gangup in the Settings pane in the Fiery Impose window, and one of the following styles:
    • Repeat
    • Unique-Collate Cut
    • Duplo - Short Edge Feed
    • Duplo - Long Edge Feed
  4. Specify settings as outlined below:
    • Select Top for the finishing edge.
    • Select On for the Duplex option.
    • Select Any for the Layout Style option.
    Note: The settings above are required. You can specify other settings as required.

    The result of your choices are displayed in the Sheet View pane.