Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery JobMaster-Fiery Impose-Fiery Compose

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Shift the content of a page or pages

Page Offset lets you easily move page content to accommodate finishing requirements. For example, you can quickly shift the page content of all your odd pages to the right and your even pages to the left to accommodate staples. You can also move the content of scanned pages by a small amount from the spine of a booklet.

  1. In Command WorkStation, open a spooled file with Fiery JobMaster.
  2. In the Page View, select the page or pages for which you want to shift the page content.
  3. Select Actions > Edit Page.
  4. Set the x and y values. Positive x values move the page content to the right; negative values move it to the left. Positive y values move the page content up; negative values move it down.
The x and y values are reset to zero when you reopen the Edit Page window.

You can also shift the content of the page in the Scale Content pane. For more information, see Open the Scale Content pane