Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery JobMaster-Fiery Impose-Fiery Compose

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Adding chapter starts automatically

You can add chapter starts by dragging and dropping files into Fiery JobMaster. You can also set a preference to not add chapter starts.

A chapter start is automatically added to the first page of the added file, when you drag a file onto Page View in the Fiery JobMaster window. When multiple PDF files are inserted, the chapter start is added to the first page of each PDF file.

Note: If you do not want a chapter start added, insert the file using the Insert menu.
Note: In Windows, to set a preference to not add a chapter start, select Edit > Preferences. On macOS, preferences are under the Fiery Command WorkStation menu within the Fiery Impose or Fiery JobMaster window. In the window, select JobMaster in the left column. Under Chapter Starts, clear the check box next to Add chapter start when dragging file into page view.