Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery JobMaster-Fiery Impose-Fiery Compose

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Convert to Grayscale

You can convert individual color pages or surfaces to grayscale.

Your job must contain color, and you must have an activated Fiery Compose or Fiery JobMaster license.
  1. Import your job into the Hold queue of Command WorkStation.
  2. Select the job in the Held list and select Fiery Compose or Fiery JobMaster.

    You can also access the feature by opening Fiery Impose if it is activated and either Fiery Compose or Fiery JobMaster is also activated.

  3. In either the Page View pane or the Sheet View pane, select a color page and either right-click, or go to the Actions menu, and select Convert to Grayscale.

    The selected page or surface will be displayed as grayscale in the Sheet View pane. When that page is selected, the Convert to Grayscale option in the Actions menu has a check mark beside it.

  4. To select multiple pages or surfaces in either Page View or Sheet View, do one of the following:
    • To select a consecutive group of pages or surfaces, click the first item, press and hold down the Shift key, and then click the last item.
    • To select nonconsecutive pages or surfaces, press and hold down the Ctrl key, and then click each item that you want to select.

    You can revert groups or individual pages or surfaces to color by selecting and choosing Convert to Grayscale from the Actions menu, even if they were selected as part of a group. The check mark is then removed.

    Note: Actual conversion of the pages or surfaces occurs when the job is saved. If you modify the job after it is saved, any modifications that involve adding color will not be converted to grayscale.