Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery JobMaster-Fiery Impose-Fiery Compose

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User interface customizations saved between sessions

The system saves user interface customizations separately for each product intent: Fiery Impose, Fiery JobMaster, Fiery Compose, and Raster Preview.

For each of these product intents, the user interface customizations are saved between sessions. When you open a new session in that same product intent, customizations from the previous session are restored, including:
  • position and size of the main window
  • user interface settings inside the window, including:
    • sizes of the Page View, Sheet View, and (for Fiery JobMaster) Job Summary panes
    • expanded or collapsed state of collapsible panes in Page View, Sheet View, and (for Fiery JobMaster) Job Summary panes
    • zoom level of Page View thumbnails and Sheet View pages
Note: The system saves your customizations for your initial product intent. When you close Fiery JobMaster, Fiery Impose, or Fiery Compose, the settings to be restored are saved for that product intent, and are applied the next time you open that product intent. Customizations are not applied when you switch between product intents, such as between Gangup (an Impose mode) and Compose. Customizations saved for one product intent (for example, Compose) are not applied the next time you launch another product intent (for example, Impose); instead, the applied customizations for Impose are from the previous time you closed Impose.

When you open Raster Preview, the image area is scaled to fit. Persistent settings in Raster Preview mode are:
  • size and location of main window
  • window maximized or restore state
  • Page View thumbnails collapsed or expanded state, zoom level, and pane size