Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery JobMaster-Fiery Impose-Fiery Compose

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Advanced page numbering workspace

The Numbering and Stamps pane provides a workspace for advanced page numbering.

In Fiery JobMaster, you can access the Numbering and Stamps pane by selecting a page or pages in the Page View pane, and then selecting Actions > Edit Numbering and Stamps.

1 Add Range and Copy Range icons for adding ranges, and copying a range.
2 Type and Range panes displays added ranges for document, chapters, and pages.
3 Click the second set of ellipses to open a window that allows you to specify Range and Repeat options.
4 Presets menu, and Save Preset and Delete Preset icons.
5 Text field displays macros for the numbering options you specify from clicking the plus sign icon () below the text field. You can add text to the macros.
6 Controls for enabling and disabling a background for the page number field in the document.
7 The plus sign icon () opens menus for specifying page numbers, chapter numbers, date, time, and the name of the document.
8 Under Size & position, you can input X, Y, Width, and Height information.
9 Advanced numbering and printing options.
10 Select, Move, and Zoom icons for the preview pane.
11 Preview of the job. The navigation and zoom controls provided below the preview.
12 Field for page numbering display, can be resized and moved.