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Edit a page in Fiery JobMaster

With Fiery JobMaster, you can edit pages of a job for finishing by rotating, masking, and cropping. You can specify changes according to either crop box or trim box finish size.

  1. Right-click a spooled job in Command WorkStation, and choose JobMaster.
  2. In the Page View pane, select the page or pages you want to edit and choose Actions > Edit Page. The Edit Page window displays measurement markers on the left and top of the window.
  3. Specify the settings.
    • Panning - moves the PDF page in the preview window.

    • Mask - masks one or more areas of the page. Click and then draw the area to be masked. Applies the same masked areas to all of the selected pages before opening the Edit Page window. Overrides masks previously made on any of these pages.

    • Zoom - zooms in. To zoom out, click the Fit-to-Image icon.

    • Rotate - rotates the page in 90-degrees increments.

    • Mode - Margin lets you adjust the existing crop box or trim box. By applying a margin, you can define how much smaller (or larger) the new crop box or trim box will be than the original one. Size And Offset lets you define an entirely new size for the crop box or trim box, and can position the new crop/trim size directly against the existing content. If you select Mode - Margin or Mode - Size And Offset, and then enable Crop Box, you can change Predefined Crop Size. Mirror aligns the contents of odd and even pages with the duplex option. The default setting for Mode is Page Offset, which allows you to shift the content of a page by entering positive or negative values in the X and Y fields.

    • Crop Box, Trim Box - these are available only when Margin or Size and Offset is selected. To edit either, click the adjacent button.

  4. Do one of the following:
    • Click OK to save the settings.
    • Click the Reset button to restore the original settings.
    • Click Cancel to exit.

For more information about the settings, see Edit Page workflow.