Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery JobMaster-Fiery Impose-Fiery Compose

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Set tabs in Fiery Compose

You can add a tab page anywhere in the document and select the tab media. All tabs in a job must use the same media, even if multiple tab media are available.

You can add one or more tabs in the Page View pane. When tabs have been added to a document, you can use the Filter Tabs icon in the Page View tool bar to display only those pages with tabs.

  1. Select the page or pages before where the tab should be.
  2. Click Actions > Insert Tab or right-click and select Insert Tab.

    A tab using the default tab media is added before the selected page. If a tab already exists in the job, new tabs must use the same media as the existing tab.

  3. To specify different media for the tab, right-click and select Edit Tab.

    Changing the media for one tab changes it for all tabs in the job.

    Note: In Fiery JobMaster, you can add multiple media for tabs in one job. See Add multiple tab styles to a document.