Fiery JobMaster-Fiery Impose-Fiery Compose

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Specify settings in the Layout settings tab

  1. Click View available modules to display the number of modules specified for CPM, PFM, and RTM. The Finisher model displays the name of the finisher that you have specified in Edit > Preferences > Finishers > Select device. For more information, see Set finisher preferences.
  2. To create a preset, do one of the following:
    • Select New preset from the Finisher preset list.
    • Click Create new using to create a new preset from an existing preset.
    You can modify the settings of existing presets and save the changes.
    Note: You can also choose existing presets that are imported from the Duplo PC Controller computer.
  3. In Job/barcode number, specify the number that corresponds to barcodes that can be displayed on the sheet. You can view the barcode range in the status bar at the bottom. When you create a new preset, the next sequential number is automatically assigned to the preset.
    Note: Barcodes are device dependent.
  4. In Perforation setup, specify the number of horizontal perforation modules in the list on the left and the number of vertical perforation modules in the list on the right. Due to the number of slots available on the finisher, if you specify the horizontal perforation as 1, you can select only 1 as the vertical perforation module. However, if the job does not require horizontal perforation, select 0 in the horizontal perforation list and you can use up to 2 vertical perforation modules. Select 0 in both horizontal and vertical perforation lists if the job does not require perforations.
    Note: For vertical perforation, the maximum number of modules available for use is determined by the values that you specify for PFM and RTM in Fiery Impose > Edit > Preferences > Finishers. For more information on PFM and RTM, see Set finisher preferences.
  5. From the Sheet Size list, select the size of the paper required for the job. Sheet Size lists only the paper sizes supported by the finisher. When you select a size, you can preview the job on the selected paper size in the Sheet View pane. Click Edit to select other media-related specifications such as media type, weight, or color.
  6. Select Portrait or Landscape from the Finisher feed direction list to set the feed direction of the sheet.
    Note: The preview of the job in the Sheet View pane displays the arrow on the top that indicates the assumed feeding edge of the sheet.
  7. Select the Barcode check box to display the barcode on the sheet when you print the job. If you select this check box, the barcode that corresponds to the number selected in Job/barcode number is displayed on the sheet. By default, the barcode is displayed in the upper-right corner.
  8. In Finish size, specify the size of the finished job. You can specify the width in the list on the left and the height in the list on the right.
  9. In Row and column, select the number of rows and columns that you want to apply to the sheet. Depending on the values that you specified in Sheet Size and Finish size, the number of rows and columns that can fit on the sheet is automatically calculated.
  10. In Gutter, specify the vertical and horizontal gutter. You can set the gutter as either:
    • Fixed: Set the same value for the horizontal and vertical gutter.
    • Variable: Set different values for the horizontal and vertical gutter.
    Note: Gutter refers to the space between two adjacent pages on a sheet.
  11. In Layout offset, specify the distance between the top edge (feeding edge) of the sheet and the start of the job in the field on the left. In the field on the right, specify the distance between the right edge of the sheet and the start of the job.
    Note: You should specify the Layout offset to accommodate the additional space required for finisher marks on the sheet.
  12. Click Next to specify settings in the Crease and Perforation tabs. If the job does not require crease or perforation, do one of the following:
    • Click Apply to apply the settings to the job.
    • Click Publish in the Settings pane to generate a finisher preset and export the preset to the Duplo PC Controller computer.
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