Fiery make-ready applications v4.8

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Preview a job for imposition

In the Command WorkStation Preview window, you can display sheet dimensions and navigate among the sheets of an imposed job.

When you select a job for imposition in Command WorkStation, the job opens in the Preview window. Jobs appear as thumbnails of the sheet in the Sheet View pane, either displaying the content or in wireframe view. Selecting a page in either view does not select the corresponding page in the other view.

For more information about previewing jobs in Command WorkStation, see Fiery Preview.

View and measure sheet dimensions

Use the Measurement tool to display basic sheet dimensions, to determine distance from a point of origin to a specific corner or edge of the page and sheet, and to change the point of origin (reference point).

  1. Click the Measurement tool icon.
  2. Move the cursor around a page to make predefined Hot Spots appear.

    Hot Spots are indicated by a horizontal or vertical line of red dashes.

  3. Press the Ctrl key (on Windows) or the Cmd key (on Mac OS X) and point and click to select a page.

    The nine possible reference points for the page appear.

  4. Point and click to select a desired reference point. When it is selected, the reference point appears as a red square.

View sheets of imposed jobs

You can view and navigate to the sheets of an imposed job by dragging or by sheet number.

Do one of the following:
  • Drag with the Drag tool to scroll across the sheets of the job.

  • Click the Sheet number display at the bottom of the Sheet view and then enter a sheet number in the Go To Sheet dialog box.

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