Fiery Impose
Fiery Impose, which is one of the Fiery make-ready applications along with Fiery JobMaster and Fiery Compose, applies imposition layouts for special printing and binding needs. You can also impose variable data printing jobs when you use Fiery Impose.
Fiery Impose lets you:
Specify how many rows and columns of pages to image on a sheet. You can use predefined layouts for common impositions or create custom layouts.
Set the placement of pages on a sheet; the Fiery Impose layout designates the location of folds, cuts, and other elements with printer's marks.
Fiery Impose allows you to image multiple pages on a single sheet.
- Apply advanced job preparation tasks to your job in the same workflow using Fiery JobMaster, if enabled.
- Apply mixed media settings to your job in the same workflow as imposition settings, if you have enabled Fiery Compose.Note: Fiery Compose features are included in Fiery JobMaster.
Fiery Impose requires Adobe Acrobat with Enfocus PitStop. We recommend you use the version of Acrobat provided in the kit.
You access Fiery Impose, Fiery JobMaster, and Fiery Compose from Command WorkStation, and open them in the Fiery Preview window.
For more information about installing Acrobat and PitStop, see Utilities, which is part of the user documentation set.
Fiery Impose license
Your workstation must have an activated Fiery Impose license to use the full functionality of Impose. Without an activated license, Fiery Impose runs in Demo mode, which:
Applies a watermark to print jobs
Lets you save imposed jobs in .dbp format to the Fiery Server
Does not save imposed jobs in Adobe PDF format to a hard drive or Fiery Server