Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery JobFlow Help v2.7

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XML Ticket mapper

Ticket mapper enables you to map XML ticket properties to a Fiery JobFlow master variable. Only XML format is supported.

You can create a mapping, save the mapping, and use the mapping in Fiery JobFlow.

  • You can import an XML ticket and show all XML property paths.
  • You can select a module setting or Fiery Job Property (PPD key) for an XML property path.
  • The selected mapping between the XML and Fiery Job Properties must be saved in a format that can be used in a Fiery JobFlow workflow.
  • You can associate an XML Ticket with a workflow.
  • After creating a workflow, you can also drop the XML ticket to that workflow.
  • The job gets fetched from the path specified in the XML and the job starts processing with the values assigned to it.
  • The Jobs in progress and Jobs completed are seen in the Jobs page.
  • You can verify the mapping of the XML ticket values to the Job Properties in Command WorkStation.
  • You can also verify the mapping of the XML ticket from Jobs > Overview.