What’s new in this version
This version of Color Profiler Suite introduces new features.
Note: This version requires a new license. If you are
upgrading from an earlier 4.x version and your SMSA (support) contract is current, Color Profiler
Suite downloads a new license automatically from the EFI licensing server. If Color Profiler Suite
cannot connect to the licensing server, see Download
a Color Profiler Suite license.
Express Profiler is a new module that lets you quickly create a calibration setting and an output profile for a Fiery-driven printer. Express Profiler also creates a virtual printer or preset configured with the new output profile so that you can immediately print a job using the new calibration setting and profile.
Printer Profiler lets you calibrate before profiling, using either a new calibration setting or an existing one.
Verifier contains new support for:
- Fogra PSD (Process Standard Digital) Print Check
- The latest IDEAlliance ISO 12647-7 Control Wedge 2013
- The latest GRACoL and SWOP 2013 characterization data