Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery Impose Plus

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Modify pages manually in Fiery Impose Plus

When you use Fiery Impose Plus, you can manually rotate, edit reorder, insert, and delete pages.

Rotate pages

In the Sheet View pane, you can only rotate pages in wire frame mode.

Do any of the following:
  • To rotate a single page, click the Rotate icon on that page.

    If you zoomed out too far, you may not see the Rotate icon. You can zoom in until the icon becomes visible.

  • To rotate all pages in the job, press the Shift and Ctrl keys and click the Rotate icon on any page.

  • To rotate all pages in a certain location on the front side of each duplex sheet, press the Shift key and click the Rotate icon on any page in that location on any sheet.

  • To rotate all pages in a certain location on the front and back sides of each duplex sheet, press the Ctrl key (Windows) or Cmd key (macOS) and click the Rotate icon on any page in that location on any sheet.

Open a job for editing in Acrobat

Fiery Impose Plus can open a job for editing in Adobe Acrobat Pro.

Right-click a page in the Page View pane and then click Edit in Acrobat.

Reorder pages

You can reorder individual pages manually by arranging them in the main window.

In the Page View pane, select the thumbnail you want to move, and then drag the page to its new position.

Insert blank pages manually

You can add a blank page to your layout.

Select the page in the Page View pane where you want to add a page, and then click the Insert Blank Page icon in the Page View toolbar.

Delete pages

You can quickly delete pages.

Right-click a page in the Page View pane and choose Delete from the menu that appears.