Set Fiery Impose preferences
The Preferences dialog box lets you set the path to temporary files, defaults for converting PostScript to PDF, measurement units, application language, scaling, and the default finish size for imposed jobs.
You set Fiery Impose preferences in .
Set imposition scale and finish size
In Preferences, Scale sets the default scale factor when Fiery Impose starts. Finish Size is based on the PDF crop box or trim box settings. (Not all Fiery Servers support the Finish Size setting.)
- Click Size.
- For Scale, click 100% or Scale to fit.
- For Finish size, click Based
on Crop box or User
Based on Crop Box, the default and legacy Fiery Impose workflow, depends on the PDF crop box.
User Defined allows Impose to detect the trim box settings, when present within the document, and use these as the default finish size. It does not depend on document size and crop box.
Set paths to imposition files
The Paths pane in the Preferences dialog box lets you set paths to the default location for temporary files and preset templates.
- Click Paths
- Set the following:
For Temporary Path, set the default location for temporary files.
For Imposition Template Path, specify the folder for storing the preset template files.
Set PostScript conversion for imposition
In Preferences, you can set the default for converting PostScript to PDF. VDP imposition jobs do not support PostScript to Adobe PDF conversion.
Set imposition measurement units
You can set the unit of measurement to use in the Fiery Impose window. This setting does not affect predefined page size values.
Set the application language
Use Regional Settings to set the application language.
- Click Regional Settings.
- For Application Language, set the language that Command WorkStation uses.