Fiery make-ready applications v4.7

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Page View, Sheet View, and Reader View

The Page View displays the thumbnail preview of the working document - the input.

If you have Fiery Compose or Fiery JobMaster enabled, in Page View, you can accomplish the following tasks:

  • Insert page(s) from other documents

  • Insert blank pages

  • Add tabs

  • Insert other jobs

  • Merge jobs

  • Delete pages

  • Reorder page(s)

  • Replace page(s)

  • Edit content

For more information, see JobMaster Help and Fiery Compose.

The Sheet View shows the imposition (layout of the content on the sheets as they will be printed on the printer) of the job. It is a pre-RIP preview of the actual sheet.

The Reader View opens a secondary window to display the document as it will look to the reader when printed, after it has been folded, cut, and bound.

The illustration below shows thumbnails displayed in the Page View and the Sheet View panes. Any actions you perform in the Page View pane are immediately displayed in the Sheet View.

1 Page View pane See Open and view jobs in Fiery Compose
2 Page View toolbar icons See Toolbar icons in Preview
3 Thumbnails in Page View See Open and view jobs in Fiery Compose
4 Sheet View toolbar icons See Toolbar icons in Preview
5 Sheet View pane See Open and view jobs in Fiery Compose.
6 Thumbnails in Sheet View See Open and view jobs in Fiery Compose