Collect settings
Using the Collect module, the user can specify criteria to collect jobs before the jobs are released. Depending on the criteria specified, the jobs in the workflow will wait until the criteria have been met. After the criteria have been met, the jobs are released to the remaining modules of the workflow.
The Collect module can be added only after the Convert module in a workflow.
Jobs with Collect settings specified are listed in
or .- Job Count: Specify a number of jobs that have to be collected before the jobs can be released to the next module in the workflow. For example, you can specify the Job Count as 50. The jobs in the workflow will wait until the job count reaches 50 before being released.
- Page
Count: Specify a number of pages that have to be collected before
the jobs can be released to the next module in the workflow. For example, you
can specify the Page Count as 100. The jobs in the workflow will wait until the
total number of pages in the jobs that are being collected reaches 100.
Exact Match: The Page Count quantity will specify the exact number of pages to be collected before being released to the next module in the workflow. For example, you can specify the Page Count as 10 and select Exact Match. Job flow will wait until there are exactly 10 pages before releasing the collection to the next module. Another collection will be started to collect overflow jobs.
- Time of
day: Specify a time in hours and minutes to release jobs to the
next module in the workflow.Note: Admin users can set the time format to either 12-hour or 24-hour format in .
Additionally, you can specify the following settings:
Release jobs: Select how the collected jobs are to be released. The options in the drop-down are:
- Individual: Each collect job is released individually.
- Merged : Individual jobs are merged and processed as a single job.
- Collated
: When individual jobs are merged, all page numbers that are
marked the same are merged. For example, if you have five jobs, page one
of all five jobs are merged. You can use this option if you want to
impose multiple booklets or if you want to create stacks of multiple
jobs.Note: Collated jobs will be merged. You cannot collate without merging.
- Order in which the jobs are to be
released. The options in the drop-down are:
- By submission time: Jobs follow the First In First Out (FIFO) rule when they are released.
- By name : Jobs are released in alphabetical order.
- Maximum Wait Time: Specify a maximum time in minutes for jobs
to wait after arrival before releasing jobs to the next module.Note: This setting takes priority over the other collect settings if the Maximum Wait Time passes before other release criteria are met.
The Collect module is especially useful in the following scenarios:
When users pre-load printers with a particular type of media and want the jobs to print using only the pre-loaded media. Use the Collect settings to specify the number of jobs or pages to be collected in order to completely utilize the pre-loaded media.
- When users require to use specialty ink or toner. Use the Collect settings to wait to collect a certain number of jobs or pages that require the use of the specialty ink or toner. For example, if only one specialty toner is supported, you can use the Collect settings to wait until you have the required number of jobs or pages and then release the jobs to print using the specialty toner. Users can avoid having to switch toners between jobs.
- When users require to use the auto layout of business cards based on stack size and quantity. Users can create a workflow where based on the quantity of business cards required, the Page Count criteria is specified. When the page count criteria is met, the job is automatically released.
- When users want to collect jobs so that they match an exact number of pages to optimally fill an imposed sheet.