Fiery JobFlow Help v2.5

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Rules scripting

Run script has been added as a rule for modules.

Fiery JobFlow Rules scripting can be used to:
  • Archive a Fiery JobFlow job to a location that is not supported by Fiery JobFlow Locations.
  • Send notifications using a third-party solution for those customers who do not want to use email notifications.

Rules scripting follows the same conventions as the scripting in the Connect module with one exception: Fiery JobFlow does not expect a script to generate output that needs to be processed further in a workflow.

Fiery JobFlow provides the following arguments for Rules scripting:
  1. Input Location: a temporary location where Fiery JobFlow will make the file available for processing.
  2. Job Name: the job name as shown in Fiery JobFlow.
  3. Workflow: the name of the workflow where the script was initiated.
  4. Preflight Report: location of the last preflight report generated in that workflow.
  5. Vault: a temporary location that exists while a job is being processed in a workflow.

For sample scripts, see

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