Correct settings
Apply Enfocus PitStop Actions to an incoming job. Actions added to a workflow are used to automatically apply modifications to the file, such as adding page numbers, converting colors, or adjusting resolution of images.
If the Monotype Baseline Service has been configured, the option Automatically check Monotype Baseline Service for missing fonts is available in the Correct module. If you enable the option, Fiery JobFlow automatically downloads the missing fonts from the Monotype service.
Variables in PitStop Pro can be either constant or rule-based. A constant variable might be a text string, a number, a measurement, or a yes/no or on/off value. A rule-based variable allows you to use a constant variable to determine the value change in another preflight check. For instance, if your variable definition is output type, and you have different possible values, such as digital or offset, the image resolution will change according to the value.