Importing resources
The administrator can import Fiery Impose templates and Image Enhance Visual Editor presets, custom Smart Preflight Profiles, Action Lists, and Variable Sets from Enfocus PitStop Pro in a drag-and-drop operation or by navigating to the location where the files are stored.
To import Smart Preflight Profiles, Action Lists, and Variable Sets from Enfocus PitStop Pro, you must be using the licensed Fiery JobFlow. Fiery Impose templates and Image Enhance Visual Editor presets are available with both Fiery JobFlow Base and Fiery JobFlow.
Fiery Impose templates and Image Enhance Visual Editor presets are stored in the following locations on the computer where Command WorkStation is installed:
- Windows computer:
- Image Enhance Visual Editor presets: C:\ProgramData\Image Enhance Visual Editor\Preset
- Fiery Impose
templates: C:\Users\logged-in-user\Documents\Impose\template
Note that this is the default location, which the user can change in Command WorkStation Preferences.
- Mac OS computers:
- Image Enhance Visual Editor presets: Applications/Fiery/Image Enhance Visual Editor/Image Enhance Visual
Right-click the location above and select
- Image Enhance Visual Editor presets: Applications/Fiery/Image Enhance Visual Editor/Image Enhance Visual
Fiery Impose templates: \Users\logged-in-user\Documents\Impose\template
Note that this is the default location, which the user can change in Command WorkStation Preferences.
The Preflight Profiles, Action Lists, and Variable Sets must be created in PitStop Pro and exported before they can be imported into Fiery JobFlow. PitStop Pro’s standard Preflight Profiles and Action Lists are listed by default in the Preflight and Correct modules.