Configure Fiery Ticker
Fiery Ticker settings control the appearance and behavior of Fiery Ticker.
- Switch to the status bar if it is not already displayed.
- Hover over the >> icon at the left side of the status bar and click Fiery Ticker Settings.
- Specify any of the following settings:
Switch to full screen after idle for - Automatically switches to full-screen view after the Fiery server is idle for the specified time period. This setting is enabled by default, along with the default idle time period of two minutes.
Show tray and toner levels - Sets how paper tray and toner levels appear in the full-screen view. When selected, paper tray and toner levels always appear. When not selected, paper tray and toner levels appear when levels are low. (Use the Alerts settings to specify the values at which the levels appear.)
The status bar displays paper tray and toner levels only when levels are low.
Printing gauge maximum - Sets the maximum printing speed (in pages per minute or ppm) that the printing gauge displays in the full-screen view. Select Auto to use the maximum printing speed set on the Fiery server.
Language - Sets the language for the Fiery Ticker interface. Select Auto to use the language setting from the Fiery server.
Theme - Sets the status bar’s color scheme.
Show warning when tray levels are below - Sets a paper tray warning level. Fiery Ticker displays a warning if the paper tray level goes lower than this value. To disable the warning, move the slider all the way to the left.
In full-screen view, the warning appears as an icon next to the particular tray level.
Show warning when toner levels are below - Sets a toner warning level. Fiery Ticker displays a warning if the toner level goes lower than this value. To disable the warning, move the slider all the way to the left.
In full-screen view, the warning appears as an icon next to the particular toner level.
Note: The Fiery server displays low toner status messages at the top of the screen, independent of Fiery Ticker. This setting does not affect Fiery server status messages.Play sound on error - Has Fiery Ticker play an alarm sound (in addition to showing an error display) if an error occurs.