Measure with TECHKON SpectroDens
You can measure color patches on a page using the TECHKON SpectroDens. The TECHKON SpectroDens combines the qualities of a highly accurate spectophotometer and an easy-to-use densitometer.
Before you measure pages, be sure that the SpectroDens is connected properly to your computer and the SpectroDens is turned on. If you are using a Windows computer, you must also download and install the latest driver from the Download Center in
(When you select the SpectroDens as your measurement method, you can set the instrument settings.
Measurement mode - Select the type of measurement that you want. You measure each strip in a single pass.
- M0 - One pass, UV included
- M1 - One pass, D50 UV included
- M2 - One pass, UV cut
- M3 - One pass
Large patch size - If this option is selected, larger patches are printed to allow for better measurements with a low-resolution printer. The measurement method is the same for regular and for large patches.
When a page has been successfully measured, you can check the measurements. If any measurements are not as expected, you can remeasure the strip.
- Place the patch page on a smooth, even surface.
- When the screen indicates that the SpectroDens is measuring, place the SpectroDens in the white space at the beginning of the strip specified on the screen.
- Hold down the button and slide the SpectroDens along the strip of patches slowly and at an even pace.
- Release the button when the SpectroDens reaches the white space at the end.
- After you successfully measure one strip of patches, move the SpectroDens to the white space at the beginning of the next strip.
- Continue to measure the remaining strips in the same manner until you have measured all patches on the page.
- Continue to measure the remaining patch pages (if any) in the same manner until you have measured all patch pages.
- Continue to measure the remaining measurement pages (if any) in the same manner as the first until you have measured all pages.
- After you measure the last page, click Next.