Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery Hot Folders

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Using presets

Presets are available from Job Properties. The job presets can be found in the Presets list with the names of saved presets, and options such as Save Preset, Manage Local Presets, Default, and Server Presets.

You can select one of the job presets from the list, or create a new preset based upon the current options selected in the Job Properties window. If a job is not currently using a preset, then the preset setting will be blank; no text appears in the Presets setting. All properties display the initial default settings. When a job preset is selected, all settings are updated to reflect the saved preset. If you change any print settings, the Presets list reverts to blank.

There are two types of job presets:

  • Local Presets are saved on the user’s local computer, and not shared with other users. Local Presets are available any time you access the Job Properties window. They remain on your local hard disk until you delete them.

  • Server Presets are saved on the Fiery server and shared with other users of the Fiery server.

    When a server preset is selected for a Hot Folder, the job properties displayed in the Fiery Hot Folders Console shows the preset name and corresponding settings. For server presets, the Refresh button updates the display with the current settings on the Fiery server. You can also enable Hot Folders to update its display of a server preset’s settings automatically at a specific time interval. For more information, see Set Hot Folders preferences.

In Command WorkStation, if you are logged on to the Fiery server as the administrator, you can create, edit, rename, unpublish, publish, and delete a Server Preset. In Hot Folders, you can save a Local Preset in the Job Properties window only.

Create a Local Preset

You can create a Local Preset by choosing the settings in the Job Properties window and then saving them in the Presets list. Server Presets and Local Presets are listed separately and differentiated by separator lines in the Presets list.

  1. In the Fiery Hot Folders Console, double-click the Hot Folder to open the Hot Folder Settings window.
  2. Click Define in the Job properties menu to open the Job Properties window.
  3. Adjust the print settings for each tab as desired.
  4. Under Presets, click Save Preset.
  5. Select Local Presets.
  6. Enter a descriptive name for the preset and click Save.
The preset is added to the list of available presets. Local Presets are available any time you access the Job Properties window. They remain on your local hard disk until you delete them.

Edit a Local Preset

You can edit a local preset.

  1. In the Fiery Hot Folders Console, double-click the Hot Folder to open the Hot Folder Settings window.
  2. Choose Define in the Job properties menu to open the Job Properties window.
  3. Under Presets, choose Manage Local Presets.
  4. Select the preset you want to edit.
  5. Change the print settings. (The Presets field becomes blank.)
  6. Choose Save Preset from the Presets list.
  7. Type the same preset name, and then click Save to save the preset.
  8. Click OK to replace the current preset of the same name.

Delete and rename a local preset

You can delete or rename presets.

  1. In the Fiery Hot Folders Console, double-click the Hot Folder to open the Hot Folder Settings window.
  2. Click Define in the Job properties menu to open the Job Properties window.
  3. Under Presets, choose Manage Local Presets.
  4. Select the preset and do one of the following:
    • To delete the preset, click Delete.

    • To rename the preset, click Rename, enter a descriptive name for the preset, and click Save.

Create a server preset

Administrators can save settings in the Job Properties window as server presets. These presets are saved on the Fiery server and shared with its users.

  1. Click Server > Device Center and then select Workflows > Job Presets.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter a descriptive name for the preset.

    Spaces are not allowed in preset names.

  4. (Optional) Enter a description for the preset.
  5. Choose the type of server preset by selecting one of the following:
    • Complete - The preset contains all the settings in Job Properties. When you apply this type of preset, it will override all current job settings.
    • Selective - The preset contains only Job Properties settings that you select. When you apply this type of preset, it will change only the defined settings. All other job settings are preserved.

    You cannot create a virtual printer from this preset if you choose Selective.

  6. Click Define to specify the job properties, and then click OK.
  7. Click OK to close the Job Preset Settings window.

The Server Presets are available from Job Properties or any time you access Job Presets under Workflows in Device Center. They remain on the Fiery server until an Administrator deletes them.

After a server preset is created, the Settings pane (located on the right side) shows the settings modified from the defaults and the locked settings. The server preset is published automatically so it can be shared with other users connected to the Fiery server.

Selective presets can be created only in Device Center. They cannot be created from Job Center.

About selective presets

Because you can select only some job properties when you create a selective preset, you can use more than one preset with a hot folder. For example, you can create Preset #1 with only finishing settings, and Preset #2 with only media settings. As long as the selective presets do not contain settings that conflict with one another, you can use more than one at a time.

If you apply more than one selective preset to a hot folder and then edit any of the presets except the one most recently applied, then the hot folder does not reflect the changed properties. If the most recently applied preset is modified, the job retains only the recently applied preset attributes. The other selective presets are disregarded.

Edit, delete, or unpublish server presets

You can edit, delete, or unpublish a server preset in Device Center by selecting Job Presets under Workflows.

You must be logged on to the Fiery server as Administrator to perform these operations.

If you edit or delete a server preset that is currently being used, the changes will affect only future jobs. The changed preset settings are applied instantly to any Fiery Hot Folders or virtual printers using the specified server preset.

You can overwrite an existing server preset the same way you can overwrite files on a computer. A server preset can be overwritten from Job Properties.

Jobs already in the Held or Printed list of the Fiery server do not automatically reflect edits made to the preset. If you want to update any jobs in the queues of the Fiery server with a newly edited preset, you need to re-apply the preset to the job using Job Properties.

Edit server presets

Administrators can edit server presets. You can edit server presets from Device Center (select Job Presets under Workflows) or from Job Properties..

  1. To edit a preset from Device Center, select the preset you want to edit, and click Edit on the toolbar in Job Presets under Workflows.
    1. (Optional) Enter a description for the change.
    2. Click Define to change the print settings.
    3. Click OK.
  2. To edit a preset from Job Properties, right-click a job in the Held or Printed list, and select Properties.
    1. Select a server preset from the Presets list for the job.
    2. In the Job Properties window, make any changes that you wish to apply to the preset.
    3. In the Presets list, select Save Preset, select Server Preset, and type the exact name for the preset.
    4. Click Save and then click OK to overwrite the existing preset.

Delete server presets

Administrators can delete server presets.

  1. Select one or more presets (unpublished or published) from the list.

    To select multiple presets, use shift-click, ctrl-click (Windows), or cmd-click (macOS). To select all presets, press ctrl+A (Windows) or cmd+A (macOS).

  2. Click Delete on the toolbar.
  3. Click Yes.

    Any hot folders or virtual printers linked to the deleted preset will be disconnected. However, they will preserve the settings of the deleted preset.

Unpublish server presets

An unpublished preset is not available in the printer driver or Job Properties. After you unpublish a server preset, you can publish it again.

  1. Select one or more presets with the published icon from the Presets list.

    To select multiple presets, use Shift-click, ctrl-click (Windows), or cmd-click (macOS). To select all presets, press ctrl+A (Windows) or cmd+A (macOS).

  2. Click Unpublish on the toolbar.

    The preset is shown with the unpublished icon.

  3. Click Yes.

    Any hot folders or virtual printers linked to the unpublished preset will be disconnected. However, they will preserve the settings of the unpublished preset.

About locked server presets

You can lock or unlock the print settings in a server preset in Device Center by selecting Workflows > Job Presets.

You must be logged on to the Fiery server as Administrator to perform these operations.

Locking a setting in a server preset ensures that:

  • The setting is applied to all files imported to Command WorkStation using the preset.

  • The setting can be overridden in the printer driver job properties after it is selected, but when it is overridden, the Presets field becomes blank.

  • The Fiery Hot Folders jobs also inherit the same locked settings (assuming the hot folder uses the server preset).

  • Virtual printers show the settings as locked. Client printer drivers connected to a virtual printer are unable to modify the setting.

You cannot lock Output profile because the Fiery server always defaults to Use job defined settings.

Locks apply only at the time of job submission. After the jobs have been sent to the Fiery server, any locked setting can be edited in the Job Properties window of Command WorkStation.

Lock or unlock settings in Server Presets

You must be logged on to the Fiery server as Administrator to lock or unlock print settings. In Device Center, select Workflows > Job Presets.

  1. Select the preset you want to edit, and click Edit on the toolbar.
  2. (Optional) Enter a description for the change.
  3. Click Define to change the print settings.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Click Lock All to lock all the print settings.

    • Click the lock icon to lock a specific print setting.

    • Click Unlock All to unlock all the print settings.

    • Click the lock icon to change it to the unlock icon for a specific print setting.

  5. Click OK.

Export and import server presets

You can export server presets to a file (Exported Presets.fjp) from one Fiery server and import the file to another Fiery server of the same model and version in Device Center by selecting Workflows > Job Presets.

You can also export server presets for safekeeping by using the Backup & Restore tool. In Device Center, select General > Tools). Backup files of presets cannot be restored to a different model Fiery server.

When importing a presets file, the new presets can be merged with existing ones, or can replace existing presets.

You must be logged on to the Fiery server as Administrator to export and import server presets.

Export server presets

Administrators can export server presets for use on another Fiery server.

  1. Click Export on the toolbar.
  2. Browse to a location to save the Exported Presets.fjp file.
  3. Click Save.

Import server presets

After exporting server presets from one Fiery server, Administrators can import them for use on another Fiery server of the same model and version.

  1. Click Import on the toolbar.
  2. Choose Merge with existing or Replace existing.

    If the server presets are merged, the presets in the imported file are added to the existing presets on the Fiery server. If there are any duplicate names, the imported presets will have a numeric suffix appended to the end of the preset name, such as FirstTest-1.

    If the server presets are replacing existing presets, all the current server presets are deleted and replaced with the server presets contained in the newly imported presets file.

  3. Browse to the location of the Exported Presets.fjp file.
  4. Click Open.