Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery Driver for Windows

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Monitor displays the wrong printer font

Most PostScript printers have at least 13-35 PostScript fonts permanently installed in the printer Read Only Memory (ROM). These fonts usually appear in your application's font menus, if you have the Adobe Type Manager (ATM) program and the fonts are available for printing.

If you do not have the ATM program, Windows substitutes fonts for your PostScript printer fonts to display text.

If you use a font-downloading utility or font cartridges, for example, to install other printer fonts, you might not have matching PostScript fonts on your system for ATM to display.

For some PostScript fonts, such as Helvetica, Times, Courier, and Symbol, Windows substitutes fonts that match closely. For other PostScript fonts, Windows might substitute a font that does not match closely. For example, Windows might substitute Times New Roman for Palatino. The poorest match is for Zapf Dingbats, for which Windows substitutes Wingdings.