2-color print mapping
With 2-color print mapping, you can map the process colors in a job to the process colors on a two-color printer (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, or a spot color). The 2-color print mapping feature is designed for print shop operators to do the proofing for a two-color printer.
You can print a two-color job to a two-color printer by mapping the process colors in the job to the colors that are on the printer.
Using the 2-color print mapping feature involves the following tasks:
Configure the 2-color print mapping values in Command WorkStation.
Print a document with the 2-Color print mapping print option turned on.
The following limitations apply when you use this feature:
2-Color print mapping is ignored when Composite overprint and Combine separations are enabled.
Postflight does not report on 2-color print mapping, because Postflight reports the source state of a document before any color conversions.
You cannot select 2-color print mapping and Substitute colors for a job at the same time. Also, you cannot select a substitute color when you configure 2-color print mapping.