Specify trap color reduction
Trap color reduction values determine how much of each color is applied in the trap. The trap between two objects of different colors can create a line of a third color that is a combination of the two colors. You can reduce the appearance of this line using Trap color reduction.
The values you specify are the percent reduction of the toner. A 100% reduction results in no toner intensity applied to the trap. A 0% reduction results in the same toner intensity as the object edge.
- In Device Center, click Trapping under Color Setup.
Under Trap color
reduction, specify the values for the color channels:
Cyan - Defines the trap reduction in cyan (0-100%).
Magenta - Defines the trap reduction in magenta (0-100%).
Yellow - Defines the trap reduction in yellow (0-100%).
Black - Defines the trap reduction in black (0-100%).
- (Optional) If you want to force all the reduction values to be the same, select the link icon displayed between the trap reduction values. If the values are different when you select the link icon, the highest value is used for all values.
The icon to the left of each color provides a visual example of the selected value.