Fiery XF 7.2

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Search for jobs

You can search for and locate jobs on a connected Fiery server using such parameters as file name, user or date.

The Search function allows you to quickly locate jobs on the currently selected Fiery server. It is part of the Job Center toolbar and applies to the jobs in the current view. You can search for jobs in the All Jobs, Held, Processing, Printing, Printed, or Finished queues.

You can search for jobs by doing one of the following:
  • Simple job search—To search all the columns in the current view, even those that are not visible on the screen (because of the scroll bar), use the Search field. For example, if you type "Photo", you can find jobs that have "Photo" in their name, and also jobs that are printed on photo media.

  • Advanced job search—To search by multiple criteria (columns) simultaneously, click the arrow next to the filters above the column headers, and specify the search criteria.

Simple job search

You can use the Search field in any view to find jobs. When you switch from one view to another, the previous search criteria are cleared.

  1. Type your search criteria in the Search field located under the Job Center toolbar icons.
  2. Press Enter, or click the magnifying glass icon (Search icon) to locate the jobs that meet the specified search criteria.

    The search word is not case-sensitive.

    The search for the specified value is conducted across all the columns in the current view, even if the columns are not visible on screen (because of the scroll bar).

After you have executed a search, you can clear the current search criteria by clicking Clear, or by switching to another view. This allows you to search by different criteria.

Advanced job search

You can use the Advanced Search function to search by multiple criteria (columns) simultaneously in the current view.

  1. Select a view in the list of servers on the left side. To view all the jobs in all queues on the selected Fiery XF, select the All Jobs view.
  2. Click the arrow next to the filter above the column headers (for example, Job Status).
  3. Select the search criteria and click Apply.

    You can make multiple selections within one column.

    Ranges can be selected for some columns.

    To revert to a view of all the jobs in all queues on the selected Fiery server, select the All Jobs view.

  4. For the columns that display date information, you can select one of the following:
    • Today - Search jobs for the current day.
    • Exact Date - Search jobs for a specific date.

      Select Before or After to search jobs that print before or after a specific date.

    • From, To - Search for jobs within a consecutive date range.
  5. To search by more columns, click the arrow next to the More filter and select the columns to add.
  6. After you have executed a search, you can clear the current search criteria by clicking Clear or switching to another view. This allows you to search by different criteria.
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