Calibrator Help for Lab-calibrated presses and printers

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Set Calibrator preferences

You can set general preferences for the selected Fiery server in Calibrator when opened from Command WorkStation.

  1. In the Calibrator window, click the gear icon located in the lower-left corner to open the Calibrator Settings window.
  2. If Printer Features are shown, make your selections.

    The options shown under Printer Features are dependent on the connected Fiery server.

  3. For Calibration Status, specify the following:
    • Specify number of days or hours when a new calibration is needed. The calibration status is displayed in Job Center.

      The number you specify depends on the kind of jobs you are printing and the stability of the printer and its environment. If the Fiery server is used for color-critical applications, select once a day or more frequently. If the Fiery server is used to print basic documents like emails, you may choose to calibrate less often.

    • Select Suspend printing when calibration expires to prevent printing jobs until a new calibration is completed.

  4. Click Factory Defaults to reset the preference settings to their original defaults.
  5. Click Save to save the preference settings.
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