Fiery Command WorkStation

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Create Job Error Reports

When you create a job error report, Command WorkStation creates a zip file of the current job files, logs, and information about the Fiery server. You can generate a job error report even if the print job is not in an error state.

Note: The error log entries are overwritten after a period of time. To ensure the error logs contain the relevant information, create the job error report as soon as possible after the error is observed. Create the job error report before rebooting the Fiery server and if possible, before any additional print jobs are processed or printed.

You can create a job error report for any jobs in the Held list.

  1. In Command WorkStation, select a job in the Held list.
  2. If you are accessing from a Windows computer, press Ctrl and right-click the job. If you are accessing from a Mac computer, press Command+Control and right-click the job.
  3. In the shortcut menu, click Create Error Report.
  4. Enter information about the job error.
    1. Enter any comments and additional details in the text field. We recommend including the following information:
      • Date and time error occurred
      • Observed error codes, if any
      • Description of expected result
      • Description of incorrect result
      • Steps for how error occurred
      • Frequency of error (such as single event, rarely, sometimes, frequently, always)
      • Whether the error has occurred with more than one file
      • Whether the file selected for the report is the same file that had the error
      • Operating system version, if the print job was sent from a client computer
      • Version of Fiery server user software installed
      • Description of any other actions performed on the Fiery server during the same time period
    2. Optional: If the job includes raster data, you can include it in the report by selecting Rasters. The raster can be useful to include if the file is not processed correctly. However, it may exceed the allowed size of the report. In this case, it may be useful to provide it separately.
    3. Optional: If the job includes color profiles in the report, you can include them in the report by selecting Color Profiles. Color profiles can be useful to include if they are custom profiles and the printed colors are incorrect.
    4. Optional: To include the native source file in the report, click Add +. The native source file can be useful to include if the job does not process or print. However, it may exceed the allowed size of the report. In this case, it may be useful to provide it separately.
  5. Attach any additional related files to the report. The job error report has a maximum file size of 2GB. If the selections and attachments result in a report larger than 2GB, the report must be reduced in order to be completed.
  6. Optionally, if any print jobs are considered confidential, remove the job files before sending the zip file to technical support. To remove the confidential job files from the Job Error Report, follow the steps:
    1. Extract the content from the Job Error Report zip file.
    2. Open the extracted folder.
    3. Delete the confidential job file.
    4. Compress the folder and send it to the technical support.
  7. Save the job error report.