Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery IQ Help

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Proxy setup configuration

Configure your proxy settings to connect to Fiery IQ through a firewall with EFI Cloud Connector.

The EFI Cloud Connector and the Fiery server must be in the same proxy network.
  1. Launch the EFI Cloud Connector from one of the following locations:
    • Windows: Start > Fiery > EFI Cloud Connector
    • Mac OS: Go > Applications > Fiery > EFI Cloud Connector
    참고: You can access EFI Cloud Connector in a browser from http://localhost:11214.
  2. Click Configure proxy settings.
  3. In the Proxy Settings window, select Use Proxy.
  4. Select Auto for Proxy Security Method.
  5. Specify the following information in the text fields:
    • Proxy server name
    • Port
    • Proxy username
    • Proxy password
  6. Click Test. If the proxy configuration test passes, a message will appear in the Proxy Settings window.
  7. Click Save.