Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery IQ Help

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  • A Company, or customer, is the entity using one or more of the Fiery IQ applications.

    When creating a company account, specify a company name, physical address, and at least one user who is, by default, the owner of the company account. Specifying the company details will also help identify other individual users who may be associated with the same company account at a later point in time.

  • A Tenant account is created for each company that utilizes the Fiery IQ cloud.
  • A User is an individual within a Tenant account. Someone with a User account logs in to Fiery IQ with a unique login name, which is associated with User privileges. Additional User accounts can be created at the Tenant administrator's discretion.

    User attributes include first and last name, Company (the Tenant account to which the User belongs), user role, and assigned printers, which can be individual printers or printer collections.

  • A Fiery IQ Admin user has administrator privileges within Fiery IQ. Fiery IQ Admin users can manage Users, Groups, Devices, Company, etc. Fiery IQ Admin users can also grant administrator privileges to other users within the Tenant account.
  • A Group is an entity used to grant users access to registered devices in a Tenant.

    Fiery IQ admin users can assign users with Group(s) so that only specified users can access specific devices.

  • A Device is a printer that is connected to the Fiery IQ cloud through a Fiery server.